First Time FAQ
+ Where do i go?
We meet for Sunday morning service at Lakeshore Church (600 N.O. Hammond Hwy, New Orleans LA 70124) right on the Orleans parish side of the 17th St Canal. Pull up to the front, drop off other riders, and our Welcome Team will direct you to the parking area.
+ What time does service start?
We have one service, from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Come a few minutes early to connect with our Welcome Team, grab a cup of coffee, and get a first time visitors gift bag!
+ Where can I park?
Our parking is a bit limited, but we are going to maximize our space for the sake of the Gospel! We have a small lot on-site to faciliate handicapped, families with small children, and visitor spots. We will have a drive-thru area set up and a friendly team to help you through our lot.
Additional parking is available on side streets (we do strongly encourage you to be careful to respect our neighbors and their property - help us love our neighborhood well!) and at the Station 6 restaurant parking lot across the canal in Bucktown (please ensure you do not block any entrances or exits so our friends at Station 6 are able to get ready for the lunch rush). Let our team know if you need a ride back to church after parking and we'd be happy to help you!
+ Is there Sunday School or small group?
LifeGroups are the small group ministry of Lakeshore Church. They are open to anyone, and meet throughout the week in homes across the city. CLICK HERE for more information on LifeGroups and to find one meeting near you.
+ How should I dress?
Wear what you're comfortable in! Some people choose to wear dresses and khakis or slacks, while others choose to wear their jeans and T-shirts. Come as you are!
+ Can my kids come?
Absolutely! We have classrooms available for children ages birth to 2nd grade. Come in the main entrance and our Lakeshore Kids team will greet you with a smiling face and help get your kids checked in for the right class. Lakeshore Kids Ministry begins at 9:15am and continues through the service. CLICK HERE for more information on Lakeshore Kids.
Children are welcome into the worship service as well. We have kid-friendly sermon notes, clipboards, and colored pencils available in the sanctuary at the Welcome Table if you're interested. Children are a blessing - not a distraction. Please ask one of our team if you have any questions or needs!
+ What is the worship music like?
We believe heaven will be a glorious celebration of every tribe, nation, and culture singing out God's glory! We endeavor to reflect that in our worship services. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary music. You may also hear songs in a language that isn't your own!
+ Anything else I need to know?
We're excited to have you join us! We have a free gift for you just for visiting. Please head to our Welcome Center for coffee and refreshments, and to pick up your gift when you visit!