Lakeshore Kids exists to glorify Christ by teaching kids who Jesus is and how they can know Him.

Our teachers are prepared to teach your kids in a way that they can understand the lesson and how the stories connect to Jesus. At Lakeshore Kids, we have so much fun learning more about who Jesus is, how to have a relationship with Him, and how to apply what we learn to our lives.

Sunday Rhythm & Safety Procedures

We meet together every Sunday morning. Lakeshore Kids begins at 9:15am, 15 minutes before our service starts. We play games, provide a snack, and participate in a fun activity, all centered around teaching a lesson from the Gospel Project curriculum.

Our teachers go through background checks and MinistrySafe training before they serve with us. Your children are checked in before worship and everyone serving with children that Sunday has a name tag so parents and kids alike know who everyone is.

How are ages/classes divided?

NURSERY: Newborn to 2 years

PRE-K: 2 years to Pre-Kindergarten

ELEMENTARY: Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

Parents, you have a role to play!

We desire to know the kids who come to our class and the parents! We know and affirm that the parents are the primary disciplers of their children. We want to make sure that we are cultivating that responsibility by equipping each parent with needed tools to bring up their children “in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). One way you can take the next step in this responsibility is to use our Children’s Catechism at home, whether at a meal or before bedtime, to help teach what the Bible says about God, Jesus, the church, sin, and our future hope. Learn more here.

How do I learn more?

Follow us on social media (Facebook and Instagram) to stay up to date on all the fun!!

If you want to serve or have any questions, please reach out to Emma Dixon at